Monthly Tax Update

  • Keeping businesses and individuals well-informed on current tax issues and adding value for all.
  • Each month, we analyse the most recent changes in tax rules—including new legislation, pivotal case law, and critical announcements or interpretations from Revenue Authorities—to ensure relevance in today's business climate.

May 2024 Monthly Tax Update

The contents of this month's MTU edition are as follows:

  • Petroleum Licence Fees Regulations
  • Revision of AFTT and IMTT Rates
  • Exchange Control Act Amendment
  • Value Added Tax (General) Amendment
  • Customs and Excise (Suspension)Amendment
  • Insurance Premium Deduction Dispute.
  • Income Tax treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains
  • Items for inclusion in Gross Income.
  • Tax Implications for Non-Executive Directors
  • Clarity on ZiG conversions
  • Excise & Special Surtax reminders
  • Vehicle TIP warning
  • New Tax Returns Deployed to TaRMS